Dragon Cave Wiki

Yellow-Crowned Dragon

Female adult
Female adult
Release date September 8, 2013
Rarity Very Common
Color Turquoise, yellow
Habitat Desert

Yellow-Crowned Dragons were released on September 8, 2013, alongside the Red-finned Tidal Dragons. When sorted by "Breed", they are listed as "Suncrowned Dragon" on a user's scroll.

Official Dragon Descriptions


"The air shimmers around this egg, as if from heat."


"Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. It loves warmth, and sometimes you have to pull it away from fire to keep it from burning itself."

Mature Hatchling

"Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. It loves warmth, and sometimes you have to pull it away from fire to keep it from burning itself.
And look! It has grown wings! It must be close to maturing."


"Yellow-Crowned Dragons are found in the hottest, driest regions of the desert. Although they thrive in these conditions, they do very poorly in cold or humid climates. These dragons are very fast fliers and skilled hunters, and usually feed on small, quick desert antelope. Yellow-Crowned Dragons are diurnal, and spend the night in underground burrows they dig or steal from other creatures. They are often seen out sunning themselves in the early morning sun, waiting for the heat of the day to set in."

Sprite Artist(s)


Series Egg Hatchling Mature Hatchling Adult

Yellow-Crowned egg Yellow-Crowned hatchi Yellow-Crowned mature hatchi Yellow-Crowned female

Yellow-Crowned male
Old Sprites
Old Dead Egg

Old Yellow-Crowned dead egg

Egg Sequence

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Dead
Yellow-Crowned egg Yellow-Crowned crack 1 Yellow-Crowned crack 2 Yellow-Crowned crack 3 Yellow-Crowned crack 4 Yellow-Crowned crack 5 Yellow-Crowned dead egg